November 18, 2019

Federal HR Needs Agility to Meet Changing Workforce Needs

The federal workforce must have talent, learning and agility to fulfill its mission to serve Americans “the way they deserve to be served,” said Margaret Weichert, […]
November 18, 2019

New York State Bans Discrimination Based on Reproductive Health Decisions

New York State now prohibits employment discrimination based on an employee’s (or a dependent’s) reproductive health decision-making. Businesses with employees in the state should note that […]
November 18, 2019

As Life Spans Grow, IRS Wants to Lower Retirement Plan Required Payouts

With people living longer, the IRS has proposed reducing required distribution amounts from retirement plans beginning in 2021, which would let participants withdraw funds over a […]
November 18, 2019

Don't Tip Your Hand in Your Job Search

Your decision to pursue other employment may be in your best interests, but it is not in your employer’s best interests. Career columnist Martin Yate strongly […]
November 18, 2019

Employers Look to Value-Based Health Care Strategies

Employers are nudging workers toward high-performing doctors and hospitals and away from wasteful services and low-rated health providers in an effort to cut costs and improve […]
November 18, 2019

Pie-Eating Contest Winner, Psychic Ability: Job Seekers Tout Kooky Accomplishments

​Like the character Lily on “How I Met Your Mother,” who proudly listed her victory in a hotdog speed-eating contest on her resume, candidates eager to […]
November 18, 2019

Uber May Owe $640M for Misclassifying N.J. Workers

​New Jersey’s labor department is seeking more than $640 million from Uber for allegedly misclassifying drivers as independent contractors. The department informed Uber that it owes […]
November 18, 2019

SHRM’s Vision for 2020

“Only one group is prepared to be the voice of the future of work,” SHRM President and Chief Executive Officer Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, told […]
November 15, 2019

Women Like Technology Work. It’s Time to Hire More of Them

If women have the chance to stay in their tech jobs and advance in their careers, many of them will find they’ll enjoy the work they […]
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