May 26, 2021

Court Rejects Age-Discrimination Claim but Upholds Retaliation Claim

An employer lawfully demoted an employee and was within its rights not to promote her following her refusal to participate in the application process, according to […]
May 26, 2021

NYC Enacts Retirement Plan Requirement for Employers

New York City enacted a law that creates a mandatory auto-enrollment payroll deduction individual retirement account (IRA) program for private-sector employees whose employers don’t offer a […]
May 26, 2021

Does OSHA Require Employers to Record Vaccine Reactions?

Employers that encourage or require workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus must carefully navigate legal requirements and government recommendations—but the Occupational Safety and Health Administration […]
May 26, 2021

Addressing Anti-AAPI Discrimination in the Workplace

Last week, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that seeks to address the rise in hate crimes committed against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) […]
May 25, 2021

Remote Work Is Catalyst for New HR Technology Investment

Companies are expected to invest in technology applications that will transform HR and employee processes, which in turn will reshape how work is done. Source: New […]
May 25, 2021

Employers' Student Loan Assistance Tackles the College Debt Crisis

​Student federal loan repayments—and interest on that debt—have been paused during the pandemic, but as of October 2021 borrowers will have to start repaying those debts. […]
May 25, 2021

Los Angeles County Mandates Additional Paid Leave for Vaccinations

California lawmakers passed an expanded COVID-19 supplemental paid-sick-leave law in March that included coverage for employees to get vaccinated. More recently, the county of Los Angeles […]
May 25, 2021

People Before Profit

Source: New feed 2
May 25, 2021

Should Employers Tie Executive Compensation to DE&I Goals?

Should employers tie executive compensation to diversity, equity and inclusion goals? Two experts debate the issue. Source: New feed 2
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