September 28, 2017

HR Vice President Liable for Fiduciary Breach

Administrators of the 401(k) plan of a California energy company, including the vice president of HR, are liable for breach of fiduciary duty for their investment […]
September 28, 2017

Calif. Harassment Training May Add Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

The California state legislature has approved a bill that would expand required training for supervisors to prevent sexual harassment to include gender identity, gender expression and […]
September 28, 2017

In Focus: EEOC, DOJ Face Off Over Sexual Orientation Discrimination

​Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s prohibition on sex discrimination does not bar sexual orientation discrimination, the U.S. Department of Justice argued before […]
September 27, 2017

Credit Union Eliminates HR Department, Allegedly for Opposing ‘Look Test’

While a Texas credit union maintains in a recent lawsuit that it eliminated a two-person HR shop for financial reasons, the plaintiff in the case says […]
September 27, 2017

Overtime for Former Employee Was Paid at Correct Rate

A former city employee in Alabama failed to support his claims that his employer paid his overtime wages at an incorrect rate and fail to accommodate […]
September 27, 2017

California Program Looks for Solutions to Skills Gap

A California employment initiative known as SlingShot aims to solve regional employment challenges through partnerships between government, employers, schools and other groups. Source: New feed 2
September 27, 2017

Why HR Must Lead Diversity Efforts

Companies with high levels of gender and ethnic diversity outperform others by up to 35 percent, according to McKinsey. Yet too many organizations still confine this […]
September 27, 2017

Why Digital Transformation Requires Robust Planning

As more organizations move to cloud-based applications and connect the Internet of things (IoT) to how they do work, comprehensive technology architecture planning is becoming more […]
September 27, 2017

Company Ordered to Bargain in Good Faith with Union

An Ohio hospital must bargain with the union representing its nurses while the National Labor Relations Board rules on unfair labor practice charges filed by the […]
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