May 20, 2020

Monday, Monday: How Do You Gear Up for the Week?

Mondays, ugh! The start of the workweek can feel challenging. How do you motivate yourself for the week looming ahead of you? Source: New feed 2
May 20, 2020

How to Protect Company Data When Laying Off Remote Workers

Laying off employees is always painful, but having to do so when they are completely remote adds a new wrinkle: What should employers do to protect […]
May 20, 2020

Labor Department Expands Fluctuating Workweek Overtime Rule

​Under a final rule that the U.S. Department of Labor announced on May 20, employers will have greater flexibility to use the fluctuating workweek method of […]
May 20, 2020

CDC Releases Comprehensive Coronavirus Guidance

​Detailed guidance released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this week sets out criteria for reopening the economy and tracking coronavirus cases, with […]
May 20, 2020

California Issues 'Resilience Roadmap' to Employers for Stage Two Reopening

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced a plan to allow the limited reopening of some businesses beyond those in the category of essential critical infrastructure. Source: […]
May 20, 2020

Maryland Enacts Mandatory WARN Act Obligations for Even Small Job Actions

Maryland recently enacted amendments to its Economic Stabilization Act, imposing significant obligations on employers when all or a portion of their operations are closed or relocated. […]
May 19, 2020

Retirement of Officer with Diminished Vision Might Violate ADA

​A station officer of the Somerville City Police Department could continue pursuing his Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) claim despite his monocular vision, the 1st U.S. […]
May 19, 2020

Termination Reasons Might Have Been Pretext for Age Discrimination

An employer’s stated reasons for firing an employee, which included the reliance on incomplete disciplinary documents and stale discipline, might have been pretext for age discrimination, […]
May 19, 2020

Should You Monitor Workers Who Aren’t Social Distancing Off Duty?

Employers who choose to monitor off-duty conduct may be legally permitted to send home workers who aren’t social distancing off duty, if the policy is applied […]
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