August 3, 2020

Consider Work Redesign to Close Talent Gaps

While some organizations are shedding jobs or instituting hiring freezes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, others continue to search for in-demand talent. Yet rather […]
August 3, 2020

FFCRA Documentation Requirement Rule Struck Down

A Department of Labor rule that required employees to provide documentation before taking Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave was struck down by a federal […]
August 3, 2020

#NextChat: What Are Resume No-Nos?

HR professionals and others reflect on the red flags they see in resumes that cause them to reject job applicants. Source: New feed 2
August 3, 2020

Indian Companies Win Some, Lose Some on New U.S. Visa Rules

Restrictions by the U.S. government on international workers are having an impact on Indian outsourcing firms but also present opportunities for companies looking to hire talent […]
July 31, 2020

SHRM Research Finds Need for More Awareness, Understanding of Racial Inequality

​U.S. workers and HR professionals say racial discrimination exists in the U.S. workplace, but there is a vast difference in perception of how widespread it is, […]
July 31, 2020

4 COVID-19 Legal Questions You Should Answer

Will offering telework as an accommodation now set a precedent for future ADA requests? If schools don’t reopen fully in the fall, what leave wil employees […]
July 30, 2020

Viewpoint: Union Strategies to Confront Automation in the Workplace

The acceleration in the 21st century of automation, artificial intelligence and emerging technology in the workplace has required U.S. labor unions to create new playbooks to […]
July 30, 2020

NLRB Proposes Changes to Union Voter List Requirement

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) proposed to stop requiring employers to give unions employees’ e-mail addresses and home telephone and personal cellphone numbers during union […]
July 30, 2020

SHRM Launches New Initiative to Help Achieve Racial Equity

​Together Forward @Work is a new multipronged initiative the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is launching this week to eradicate racism and social injustice from […]
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