June 1, 2020

Outrage, Despair over Floyd's Death Disrupts Employers Across US

Protests and marches were held around the U.S. and in other countries to protest police brutality and racism in the treatment of George Floyd by police, […]
June 1, 2020

Protests, Pandemic Create Workplace Stress

​After this weekend’s protests over the death of George Floyd—plus the stress of the coronavirus pandemic—people will be coming to work with a lot on their […]
May 31, 2020

CDC Issues Guidance for Reopening Office Buildings

​The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance for companies to prepare office buildings for returning employees and protect them from exposure […]
May 29, 2020

Remote Workers Experiencing Burnout

Recent polling shows a significant share of the U.S. workforce is feeling burned out after more than two months of working from home during the coronavirus […]
May 29, 2020

Employers Must Investigate Whether Coronavirus Infections Are Work-Related

All employers, not just those with high levels of coronavirus exposure in the workplace, now must determine whether employees who have COVID-19 contracted it at work. […]
May 29, 2020

SHRM-IOE Guide Can Help with Return to Work

Employers face numerous decisions about when and how to bring employees back to the workplace during the coronavirus pandemic and the various steps to make sure […]
May 29, 2020

California Voters to Weigh In on Gig Drivers’ Employment Status

Should drivers for app-based delivery and ride-hailing services continue to be classified as independent contractors? California voters will get to answer this question in November because […]
May 29, 2020

NLRB Says ‘Dual-Marked’ Union Election Ballots Are Void

“Dual-marked” ballots—those with markings in more than one box—should be treated as void in union-representation elections, according to a recent decision by the National Labor Relations […]
May 29, 2020

Supporting Singapore’s Workers During the Pandemic

Singaporean companies have used different strategies to keep their staffs productive and engaged during the pandemic. Source: New feed 2
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