July 16, 2021

Remind Returning Employees of Professional Expectations

Employees who have gotten used to casual work from home may need a refresher on professional expectations when they return to the office. Source: New feed […]
July 16, 2021

Pranks Often Cross the Line

People pull pranks at work for any number of different reasons—boredom, the desire to build esprit de corps or be the office clown—but HR should make […]
July 16, 2021

State Auto-IRAs May Drive Small Businesses to Sponsor Their Own Plans

In states that have enacted retirement savings programs for private sector workers, employers with retirement plans continue to offer them and businesses without plans are still […]
July 16, 2021

July 31 Form 5500 Deadline Reminders

July 31 is the annual Form 5500 Annual Return/Reports filing deadline for non-calendar-year benefits plans, with an optional extension to Oct. 15. Overlapping penalties for failing […]
July 15, 2021

Advancing Racial Equity in the Workplace

Organizations must answer an important question: How will they restructure their workplaces to truly advance racial equity and inclusion? HR has a pivotal role to play […]
July 15, 2021

New SHRM Recertification Providers for July 2021

​Take the guesswork out of the recertification process for maintaining your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential. When you see the SHRM Recertification Provider seal, you know these […]
July 15, 2021

Tech Hiring Is Booming in India

As organizations around the world increase their technology adoption in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for technology and software professionals in India has […]
July 15, 2021

First-Time Jobless Claims Decline to New Pandemic Low

New weekly unemployment claims fell to the lowest level since March 2020 during the week ending July 10, nearing its pre-pandemic level as the labor market […]
July 15, 2021

401(k) 'Windows' Reconsidered as Portals for ESG Investments

401(k) plan sponsors are giving brokerage windows a second look to provide employees with access to environmental, social and governance (ESG) funds. Source: New feed 2
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