April 8, 2020

The Importance of Financial Literacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Help American workers—now and in the future—by improving their financial literacy. April is National Financial Literacy Month. To observe this during the current pandemic and thousands […]
April 8, 2020

Stay Home and Read Some Winning Poems

​The editors of SHRM Certification Update are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 SHRM HR Haiku Contest, celebrating National Poetry Month. During the current […]
April 8, 2020

Organizational Culture: The HR Profession's Performance Review

We spend too much time talking about culture and not enough time doing something to change the culture in our own organizations. How an organization’s culture […]
April 8, 2020

Requirement Change for PDC-Qualifying Work Projects

​The COVID-19 crisis, during which HR professionals are tackling unprecedented challenges on short notice, has prompted SHRM to change the time frame requirement for work projects […]
April 8, 2020

Some California Cities and Counties Mandate Face Coverings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended the use of nonmedical masks or cloth face coverings to help stem the spread of COVID-19, and […]
April 8, 2020

HR Is at the Frontline of India’s Lockdown

How does a company bring essential employees to the workplace when a country is locked down? That’s been the biggest challenge for CHROs of employers in […]
April 8, 2020

Michigan Extends Retaliation Protections Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

On April 3, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order prohibiting employers from discharging, disciplining or otherwise retaliating against an employee for staying home from […]
April 8, 2020

Understanding the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)

What 20% of your work drives 80% of your business outcomes? In 1906, there was an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. One day Pareto noticed that […]
April 8, 2020

Manage Work from Home: Useful Advice from The HR Digest

With a quarter of the world in quarantine, work from home has become a necessity overnight. But, it takes certain skills to manage work from home, […]
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