March 17, 2023

DOL Attorney Criticizes States for Loosening Child Worker Protections

U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) top attorney, Solicitor Seema Nanda, has criticized states that are seeking to remove child worker protections, saying the states are irresponsible. […]
March 17, 2023

Battle Over Infectious-Disease Regulations Under Way in California

Regulators are developing a general-industry standard for aerosol transmissible diseases (ATD), which are illnesses that can spread through the air. Both labor groups and employers are […]
March 17, 2023

Federal Surveys Define Middle Eastern Employees as White. That Could Soon Change

The Biden administration recently proposed adding an option on the census for people of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) descent. A career coach and immigrant […]
March 17, 2023

Supervisor’s Letter Touting Religious Views Could Violate Title VII

A federal district court recently refused to dismiss a former employee’s claim that a supervisor’s attempts to religiously indoctrinate her through a letter and individual meetings […]
March 16, 2023

Support for Service Members Seeking SHRM Certification

​Leadership and teamwork are deep-seated values in military service that translate well into the world of work. Your military service may make you eligible for SHRM […]
March 16, 2023

Get Ready to Open SHRM’s ‘Curriculum-in-a-Box’

​A new SHRM toolkit exclusively for HR faculty and educators is now available: the HR Curriculum-in-a-Box, a comprehensive collection of resources for teaching the next generation […]
March 16, 2023

SHRM Specialty Credentials Evolve with New Talent Development Program

SHRM’s Education Team is adding a new program offering to the specialty credential library later this year—the Talent Development Specialty Credential. Here’s how the program is […]
March 16, 2023

UK: Pay Attention to Restrictive Covenants

U.K. employers should pay attention to employees’ contracts and their restrictive covenants to protect the company’s business interests and confidential information. Source: New feed 2
March 16, 2023

How Employers Can Encourage Workplace Friendships

Research shows that employees who have a best friend at work are significantly more likely to get more done in less time, innovate and share their […]
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