December 17, 2018

Putting Humanity into HR Compliance: When You Conduct a Layoff, Don’t Do It Like This

To avoid facing disgruntled employees, employers often wait until the last legal minute to give workers notice that a layoff is happening. That’s stressful for the […]
December 17, 2018

Your Career Q&A: Make Your E-Mail Work for You

Your e-mail address and subject line are the first things employers see when you reach out to them. Customized properly, e-mails can quickly arouse employers’ interest. […]
December 17, 2018

China Likely Responsible for Marriott Data Breach

The U.S. government believes that hackers affiliated with the Chinese government were most likely responsible for the massive data breach of Marriott’s Starwood chain hotel reservation […]
December 17, 2018

5 Things to Know About Wage Deductions in California

Under California law, all earned wages are the employee’s property, so employers may make deductions from employees’ wages only under certain circumstances. Here are five key […]
December 14, 2018

Oregon Workplace Labor and Employment Law Posters

Oregon workplace labor and employment law poster chart. Source: New feed 2
December 14, 2018

Coming Supreme Court Decision May Spur Clearer Regulations

The Supreme Court will decide how much deference courts need to give to agency interpretations of ambiguous regulations. If the high court decides that little deference […]
December 14, 2018

Hong Kong: Changes to Discrimination Laws Proposed

Legislation was published that proposes various amendments to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Family Status Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance. Source: New […]
December 14, 2018

Ontario: Lawmakers Will Consider Employment-Related Bill in 2019

Ontario lawmakers will debate an omnibus bill in 2019 that would make significant changes to labor, employment and pension legislation. Some version of the bill will […]
December 14, 2018

Japan: Labor Reform Caps Overtime to Curb Death by Overwork

The problem of death by overwork is so prevalent the Japanese have created a word for it: karoshi. This year Japan passed the “Work Style Reform […]
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