June 9, 2020

Puerto Rico Governor Signs New Civil Code

The governor of Puerto Rico signed into law Puerto Rico’s new civil code. Some changes could impact employment-related contracts, although the extent of this impact is […]
June 9, 2020

IRS Allows Remote Witnessing of Retirement Plan Changes Through 2020

The IRS has provided temporary relief from regulations that require a plan administrator or notary public to be physically present to witness certain retirement plan changes […]
June 9, 2020

The Law on Hidden Video Surveillance of Workers Outside the EU

An influential European Court of Human Rights decision on hidden surveillance is relevant outside the European Union. Source: New feed 2
June 9, 2020

6th Circuit Dismisses ADA Telework Claim

An injured employee’s refusal to provide his employer with medical documentation supporting his request to work from home precludes his failure-to-accommodate claim under the Americans with […]
June 9, 2020

Sex Discrimination Claim Sent to Trial

A plaintiff could proceed with her claim of sex discrimination against an employer, which stemmed from her being passed over for two coaching positions. She offered […]
June 8, 2020

Support Health and Well-Being for a Successful Return to Work

The health, safety and well-being of workers will be more of a priority as they begin the process of returning to their workplaces across the country. […]
June 8, 2020

Do the Standard Rules of Resume Writing Still Apply?

The standard two-page resume is so last century. Career columnist Martin Yate tells jobseekers to stop worrying about resume length and instead focus on packing in […]
June 8, 2020

Managing Coronavirus-Related Leave in California

Employers may see a spike in coronavirus-related leave requests as more employees are called back to work, and California HR professionals must note the interplay between […]
June 8, 2020

Most California Counties Permitted to Move to Accelerated Stage 2 Reopening

Many California counties have been granted variances that permit dine-in restaurants, hair salons and barbershops to reopen if they follow specific guidance. Here’s what employers need […]
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