April 9, 2020

What If an Employee Refuses to Take Co-Workers’ Temperatures?

Some employees are refusing to take the temperatures of colleagues at worksites during the coronavirus pandemic. What can employers do? Source: New feed 2
April 9, 2020

Tesla Cuts Pay and Furloughs Employees after Closing Factories

Whether you want to stay up-to-date on HR news, read in-depth HR articles, or find new ideas on strategy, innovation, and leadership, The HR Digest Magazine […]
April 9, 2020

6.6 Million More Workers File for Unemployment

Another 6.6 million U.S. workers filed for new unemployment benefits during the week ending April 4, bringing the three-week total since March 15 to an unprecedented […]
April 9, 2020

Leaders, It's Time to Overcommunicate

When dealing with a critical situation such as the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important for employers to overcommunicate, says columnist Jathan Janove. Don’t hunker down with your […]
April 9, 2020

For Two Furloughed Bartenders, HR Support Made the Difference

​Boston bartenders Susana Gutierrez and Jessica Martinez were among the 10 million workers who applied for unemployment insurance in the last two weeks of March due […]
April 9, 2020

How to Help Employees Navigate Unemployment During COVID-19

​As coronavirus-related claims for unemployment insurance reach historic levels, state systems are overwhelmed, laid-off workers are frustrated, and anxiety is mounting. Employers can’t solve all these […]
April 9, 2020

Meditation Offerings Can Help Employees in Difficult Times

Workers around the world are facing a kind of stress we’ve never seen before. Is it time to start meditating? One review of meditation studies found […]
April 8, 2020

What Happens When Employers Violate Shelter-in-Place Orders?

In many states, only essential businesses can stay open to the public and only critical staff can remain at the worksite during the coronavirus pandemic. So […]
April 8, 2020

Structuring Expatriate Assignments and the Value of Secondment

Multinational employers needing to post staff overseas can struggle to structure an expatriate assignment to meet business needs and legal mandates. A “secondment” is one option. […]
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