July 24, 2018

Company-Led Travel Planning Gives Vacations a Boost

Employers may have formal policies that encourage workers to take earned vacations to recharge their energy and stay productive, but by the time the message filters […]
July 24, 2018

Your Career Q&A: Reassessing Your Options

Don’t feel bad: We learn much more from our mistakes than we do from our successes, and what you can learn from this one situation can […]
July 24, 2018

Viewpoint: Why Smart Employers Are Hiring Employees Without the Skills They Need

By focusing on the skills that individuals already have, employers may overlook the potential of new hires who can quickly upskill or reskill to meet the […]
July 24, 2018

Make Your Summer Reading Count

Make the most of your summertime reading: Choose books approved for SHRM recertification credits. Source: New feed 2
July 24, 2018

I Decided That Now Was the Time

Briana Heuston felt she was kind just floating along in her career. She decided she needed to do something to change the trajectory. She’d thought about […]
July 24, 2018

Congress Weighs Last-Ditch Effort at Pooled 401(k)s

The bipartisan Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act (RESA) now before Congress would make 401(k) plans less burdensome to administer, especially for small businesses. A key provision […]
July 24, 2018

Recertification Q&A: College Courses

Are courses for degree programs accepted for recertification credit? How about audited classes? The SHRM Certification team answers your questions. Source: New feed 2
July 24, 2018

DOL Issues Guidance on Independent Contractors

The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a bulletin on July 13 that focuses on the caregiver registry industry, and also […]
July 23, 2018

The Different Types of CEOs: Pros and Cons

Personality plays a crucial role in the different types of CEOs, with each depicting a leadership style prone to both benefits and drawbacks, and also the […]
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