June 4, 2020

Ask HR: Can My Company Require Temperature Checks

Can my company stipulate that employees are required to take a temperature screening before coming into the office each day? Source: New feed 2
June 4, 2020

Trump Signs Bill Easing Paycheck Protection Program Requirements

President Donald Trump has signed into law a bill that gives employers more flexibility when using Paycheck Protection Program funds and applying for loan forgiveness. Source: […]
June 4, 2020

University of Utah Students Help Businesses During Pandemic

The Hope Corps, a job program for students that the University of Utah created after the COVID-19 pandemic hit, places students in temporary jobs with small […]
June 4, 2020

Pending Legislation Seeks to Limit Penalties for Employers in California

As California proceeds through the stages of reopening businesses in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, the California state legislature is considering various bills to lighten […]
June 4, 2020

Chicago City Council Passes COVID-19 Anti-Retaliation Ordinance

Chicago’s City Council has passed an ordinance to protect employees from retaliation by their employers if they obey public health orders or orders of a healthcare […]
June 4, 2020

Pandemic Poses Recruiting, Hiring Challenges

What is your biggest concern as we enter the next chapter and prepare to return to our workplaces? That was the questions posed in a recent […]
June 4, 2020

How to Maintain Employee Privacy in Video Interviews

Conducting video interviews offers flexibility and convenience for both employers and employees and has become a necessity during the COVID-19 crisis. Source: New feed 2
June 4, 2020

COVID-19 Upends Retirement Expectations Across Generations

The economic uncertainty unleashed by the pandemic is threatening workers’ retirement savings and security, especially among Baby Boomers. Financial wellness initiatives can help employees of all […]
June 4, 2020

Viewpoint: Minimize Vacation Scheduling Conflicts in the Pandemic

No company wants to encounter understaffing issues or have key employees missing in action during a time when their contributions are most needed. Here are some […]
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