March 1, 2021

UK: Stale Training Won’t Protect Employer from Liability for Harassment

U.K. employers need to ensure training is regularly refreshed so it remains effective. Source: New feed 2
March 1, 2021

Mentoring Prepares Women for Leadership Roles in Cable Industry

Women’s TechConnect ​is a formal mentoring program helps groom high-potential female engineers for leadership roles throughout the cable industry. SHRM Online spoke to two women about […]
March 1, 2021

House Passes $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Economic Relief Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed another round of COVID-19-related legislation that would expand federal unemployment benefits and provide additional small business aid. The U.S. Senate […]
March 1, 2021

Pharmacies Are Staffed Up for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Retail pharmacies will play a vital role in administering COVID-19 vaccines this year, and CVS Health—the largest pharmacy chain in the U.S., with nearly 10,000 locations—has […]
March 1, 2021

Can an Employer Fire Workers Who Are Scared to Return to the Office?

More employers are requiring employees to return to the office. If employees refuse, can they be disciplined or terminated? Source: New feed 2
March 1, 2021

California Disability Law May Cover Condition Outside Scope of Federal Law

A trial court should not have dismissed a claim filed by a teacher against a school district alleging that the district failed to accommodate her “electromagnetic […]
March 1, 2021

Labor Department Tip-Pooling Rule Delayed Until April

The U.S. Department of Labor has officially delayed a rule that would make it easier for restaurants and other hospitality businesses to allow “back-of-the-house” workers—such as […]
March 1, 2021

IRS Clarifies Relief for FSA Carry-Overs

Employers can offer employees participating in health flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and dependent care FSAs greater flexibility for rolling over unused funds through 2022, under new […]
February 28, 2021

Guidelines For What To Include In A Resume

A resume is an essential document for a candidate looking for a job. It is the first thing that reaches a potential employer and highlights the […]
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