May 25, 2018

Viewpoint: Coaching Your Employees to Finish Strong as They Near Retirement

Help retiring employees to end strong at your company. Instead of letting employees coast and drain the company coffers, HR can support retiring workers as they […]
May 25, 2018

Collaboration Technologies Come Up Short

Despite all their benefits, today’s collaboration tools don’t do enough to promote effective teamwork. Here are three ways to improve them. Source: New feed 2
May 24, 2018

What to do when an employee is chronically absent for silly reasons?

What is an appropriate policy for a 20 member company where an employee’s absence means that someone else has to cover their work? Dear Jane:  We […]
May 24, 2018

Fewer Than One-Third of Companies Ready for GDPR Deadline

Only 29 percent of organizations worldwide will be ready for the new global data privacy standard coming into effect May 25, according to a new survey […]
May 24, 2018

How to Ease Candidate Interview Scheduling Pains with Automation

Free up your recruiter’s valuable time and boost candidate experience with scheduling software. Source: New feed 2
May 24, 2018

Why Trust Matters at Work

Why trust matters at work. A culture of fear hinders innovation and growth. Source: New feed 2
May 24, 2018

EU Countries Apply Working Hour Directive Similarly

The European Union (EU) Working Time Directive requires that all EU countries guarantee specific employee rights, including a limit to weekly working hours (including overtime), a […]
May 24, 2018

Early Impressions of SHRM's New California Micro-Credential

​At the recent California State Council (CalSHRM) California State Legislative & HR Conference, held in Sacramento, attendees learned more about the new SHRM California Employment Law […]
May 24, 2018

What Does High Court’s Arbitration Ruling Mean for California?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made clear that class-action waivers in employment arbitration agreements are enforceable—but California employers must be sure to carefully draft such agreements […]
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