June 4, 2020

6 Things About Virtual Onboarding That Worry New Hires

Here are six things your new hires may be thinking about and what you can do to allay their fears. Source: New feed 2
June 3, 2020

Virtual Happy Hours, Games and Meals: Team Building Varies During COVID-19

​Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic can make it difficult to build and maintain a cohesive team. The Society for Human Resource Management wanted to […]
June 3, 2020

Amazon to Offer 70% of New Workers a Permanent Job

To ease the blow on the US economy, Amazon is now offering full-time positions to most of the 175,000 temporary workers it brought onboard since March. […]
June 3, 2020

How HR Can Support Law Enforcement Professionals and Their Families

So far this week we’ve posted coverage on SHRM.org about how HR professionals at companies large and small are dealing with racism and the troubling events […]
June 2, 2020

Employers May Benefit from State-Run Work-Share Programs During Pandemic

Employers are making difficult choices during the coronavirus pandemic, and even as businesses reopen, many are doing so at reduced capacity. As an alternative to job […]
June 2, 2020

States and Cities Mandate Paid Sick Leave as Pandemic Continues

As many businesses prepare to reopen, employers should be aware of state and local paid-sick-leave mandates related to the coronavirus pandemic. Source: New feed 2
June 2, 2020

Fired Employee Could Not Show FMLA or ADA Violations

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an employee fired after applying for medical leave had no viable discrimination or retaliation claims, because she […]
June 2, 2020

Why Counteroffers Should Address More than Pay

Along with higher pay, career development opportunities can be persuasive when countering a competitor’s offer to a valued employee. Source: New feed 2
June 2, 2020

How the Coronavirus Has Affected Employers in China

China has had to grapple with an economic downturn while simultaneously containing the spread and damage of the novel coronavirus. This has affected employees and employers […]
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