December 6, 2020

COVID-19 and Disability Laws: What California Employers Should Know

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many California businesses are trying to apply existing laws to a new situation and are left with many unanswered questions. Source: […]
December 6, 2020

How to move forward in your job while working from home

Working from home does not mean that you settle for a comfortable routine and forget about pushing forward and looking for avenues to progress. Not working […]
December 5, 2020

New York City Considers Regulating AI Hiring Tools

Employers would be required to inform job applicants if and how they are using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in hiring decisions under a bill being considered […]
December 4, 2020

Income-Based Premiums Help Make Health Care Affordable

As the cost for employer-sponsored health coverage goes up, lower-paid workers may not be able to afford their share of plan premiums. An alternative is to […]
December 4, 2020

Agencies Preview Form 5500 for Reporting in 2021

Advance copies of Form 5500 information returns, used to report on plan year 2020 benefits, reflect an increase in maximum civil penalties, among other adjustments. It’s […]
December 4, 2020

Reduce Risks of Working in the Heat in Australia

It’s important for Australian employers to create a comprehensive and suitable plan to combat the risk of working in the heat. Source: New feed 2
December 4, 2020

Facebook Sued for Discriminating Against U.S. Workers

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has sued Facebook for allegedly setting aside thousands of jobs for foreign temporary guest workers, rather than advertising those jobs to […]
December 4, 2020

Viewpoint: Hiring Managers Need to Work Closely with Schools

Employers like Walmart and IBM are looking for a method to match skilled workers to open positions. One option is the learning and employment record–a portable, […]
December 4, 2020

Ask HR: How Do I Decline the Invitation to My Company's Holiday Party?

If you don’t feel safe going to your company’s holiday party, due to the coronavirus, can you decline the invitation? And how can you overcome “imposter […]
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