September 18, 2018

Your Career Q&A: Get the Most Bang for Your HR Education Buck

What happens when you’re moved into an HR job, but you don’t have HR training or experience? By all means, pursue ongoing professional education and certification, […]
September 18, 2018

DOL Focuses on Compliance-Based Programs

Employers may get a little more help from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through its Office of Compliance Initiatives (OCI). The new office will assist […]
September 18, 2018

Viewpoint: Employee Discipline for the New Workplace

Today’s workplace requires a collaborative approach to discipline that treats people as valued partners, promotes mutual respect and problem-solving, and reinforces accountability. Your organization needs people […]
September 18, 2018

Paid Leave Is Coming to a Michigan Workplace Near You

Michigan lawmakers adopted a citizen-initiated paid leave ballot proposal that was supposed to be put to a vote in the November general elections. The law will […]
September 18, 2018

What Are an Applicant’s Tattoos Telling Potential Employers?

Researchers disagree on how tattoos affect a job candidate’s hiring prospects or an employee’s chances for promotion. Source: New feed 2
September 17, 2018

Alaska Workplace Labor and Employment Law Posters

Alaska workplace labor and employment law poster chart. Source: New feed 2
September 17, 2018

Putting Humanity into HR Compliance: Try Executive Coaching

Human resources professionals are often asked to answer questions that have many layers and complexities: Should this person be fired? Is this request for FMLA leave […]
September 17, 2018

Paying California Workers During a Natural Disaster

When events like wildfires and earthquakes impact operations, California employers will inevitably have questions about how to properly pay workers. Here are some of the main […]
September 17, 2018

Chicken Costume, Golf Balls: Recalling Nutty Resumes

HR professionals, hiring managers and recruiters share examples of some of the kooky and unusual resumes they have received from job candidates. Source: New feed 2
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