April 3, 2021

US economy adds 916,000 jobs, unemployment rate is down to 6%

The US economy added 916,000 jobs in March, pushing the unemployment rate down to 6 percent on the back of the $1.9tn stimulus package. The non-farm […]
April 2, 2021

Rapid COVID-19 Testing Now in the Ontario Workplace

The Ontario provincial government recently announced that it is relaxing the regulations around the use of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to make it easier for businesses […]
April 2, 2021

Hiring Surges in March

U.S. hiring activity exploded in March, as employers added 916,000 new jobs, mostly in leisure and hospitality, according to the latest employment report from the Bureau […]
April 2, 2021

How Employers Are Educating Employees About Getting Vaccinated

Employers are encouraging employees to get inoculated against COVID-19 by providing information on the vaccines’ benefits and addressing how to access vaccines in their state, among […]
April 2, 2021

Leading Through the Exhaustion

​HR professionals have become the front-line workers for businesses of all sizes amid the pandemic, helping workers juggle remote work and family challenges; complying with new […]
April 2, 2021

Ask HR: How Should You Handle Inappropriate Gifts?

What should an employer do when an employee gift-exchange goes off the rails? How can a manager get an employee to come to work on time? […]
April 2, 2021

Pandemic’s Toll on the Culture of Indian Startups

Maintaining workplace culture in today’s remote-working era has been a challenge across companies in India, and even more so for young, fast-growing startups, which often don’t […]
April 2, 2021

How the American Jobs Plan Would Affect the Workplace

The American Jobs Plan includes many labor-friendly recommendations. The Protecting the Right to Organize Act, union neutrality, and changes to wages and enforcement of health and […]
April 2, 2021

Which Type of Recruiting Is Best for Finding Diverse Leaders?

There are two main ways that employers work with outside recruiters: on a contingency basis or through a retained search. Each option has its benefits, but […]
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