June 22, 2020

IRS Proposes Letting HRAs Pay Direct Primary Care and Health Ministry Fees

An IRS proposed rule would let health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) pay for care received through direct primary care arrangements or health care sharing ministries. Both are […]
June 22, 2020

Looking for Training Ideas for Remote Workers?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizations to direct their employees to work from home. With social distancing precautions and lockdown restrictions across countries, workers too, are […]
June 22, 2020

NLRB Upholds Ban on Using Company E-Mail for Union Organizing

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently held that an employer didn’t violate federal labor law by barring call-center employees from using the company’s e-mail system […]
June 22, 2020

UK: How Will Flexible Furloughing Work?

On June 12, the United Kingdom government released detailed guidance on the new flexible furlough scheme. Source: New feed 2
June 21, 2020

Should You Invest in a Thermal Scanner?

​As businesses start to reopen after the coronavirus pandemic closures, thermal scanning has gotten buzz as a tool to make the workplace safer. The technology uses […]
June 21, 2020

Helping Pet Owners—and Their Pets—Cope with the Return to the Office

During COVID-19 shutdowns, employees working from home had more time than ever to dote on their dogs, cats and other creatures. Now, as workers are starting […]
June 21, 2020

Bill Gates Book Recommendations 2020 for Future Managers

Reading is a good habit; anyone who reads knows how to utilise time well and gain knowledge and a broader perspective of the world and beyond! […]
June 21, 2020

What Makes Tesla A Great Place to Work?

Though Tesla is a challenging and demanding place of work, many advantages come with the fast pace of work and the long hours. Tesla, like many […]
June 20, 2020

Can Your Employer Force You To Take An Antibody Test?

Organizations and employers cannot require coronavirus antibody testing for employees who are willing to return to work, stated the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in guidance. According […]
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