Earlier, work from home options was utilized by consultants and freelancers, but now it is the new norm. Point is will this change persist or we will go back to the old ways of office culture, meetings and number and idea crunching in person, rather than in the remote mode.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has changed the way we work. Flexi timings, work from home, remote work, or telecommuting are now a normal part of the conversation when hiring decisions are made.
Contrary to what earlier was considered a not so savvy move, work from home or WFH is the new norm now. The largest to the smallest companies are quite happy to allow you to log in from home to keep the office fires burning.
Moreover, for companies that have a global presence, hiring the best talent wherever available gives the leeway to be connected 24/7 to someone at work in some part of the globe.
Pandemic makes work from home an attractive proposition.
The statistics prove that work from home is a popular option for working people. The number of people who work from home has increased by 140 percent since 2005. Recent research shows that 4.3 million people in the US work from home at least.
A survey by Working Media Mother of 1000 men found that 80 percent worked flexi-time and were comfortable with it. 60 percent were ready to go even part-time if it did not affect their career prospects too much.
And with the Pandemic, the statistic for WFH are bound to hit the roof, and most probably many companies will reconsider this as the norm and the exception.
We here bring you a list of the most popular work from home jobs.
Remote working for writers and editors has become quite popular. Digitization has made a physical presence in offices passe. And any communications or sharing of documents is also easy with so many office suites and sharing tools available that allow real-time interaction.
The job itself requires alone time and concentration that works best when you are operating from home.
The same advantage as above. Since the only tools involved are a computer and added paraphilia of office accounts invoices etc, which have gone digital, the task can be done from anywhere. Filing of taxes, compliance norms, communications, checking, and cross-checking all can be done online.
Incharge of seeing that tasks are done on time and aligned with the company’s objectives. The Pandemic has pushed the role online. And it seems to be working fine. What earlier was just occasional remote handling of the team, is being done routinely through video calls and Zoom video chat services.
They are the ones who keep the project online and meet the targets of the company. They are incharge of budgeting and assigning of tasks.
Though difficult, the Pandemic has proved that it can be done as effectively at home as in office.
Most companies have employees scattered all over the world; hence project managers and programs in charge are roles that are conducted online half the time, so WFH for them is not an alien concept.
Albeit now, they track and keep people in line through video calls and office cloud suites from home.
This is another popular work from home option that people have been doing before the Pandemic. Whatever client inputs and changes are needed can be incorporated through online communication.
A data analyst fuels decision making by data crunching. They collect data, analyze and observe patterns in data, then compile findings, and draft reports. All one needs is access to the numbers that one wants to be analyzed, which can be easily facilitated.
Again, they are the ones who build the applications and software that one uses and can be done from home too.
UX/UI Designer: A UX/UI designer focuses on facilitating a product’s user experience and user interface. A UX/UI designer will develop flowcharts, produce code and scripts, and prototype concepts, among other duties.
This is another popular mode of earning from home. Tuitions, language learning, and YouTube tutorials were common before the Pandemic. A new normal now is actual school learning being done remotely. However, this might be just a temporary measure. But DIY tutorials and other simpler forms of learning are a popular way of earning from home.
Another lucrative option that people have taken to from the comfort of their home. There is no limit to your creativity, and there are many audiences for any form of content you put online.
Be it your daily life, a commentary, review of a review, anything goes. You just need to collect views, and a certain number of subscribers and you are set to go and ear a decent amount.
It is no longer about tracking CVs online and collating information. Recruiting has moved online completely with people filtering CVs, communicating information, and scheduling online video interviews, and doing proper background checks, it is all now done remotely.
This is in no manner an exhaustive list. The Pandemic has turned the working world on its axis. Keeping in mind the public health, employee retention, and fighting to maintain profitable businesses, maximum efforts are being put in making this reality feasible. Almost 50 percent of work will now be done remotely.
Twitter has announced that staff would be allowed to work from home permanently if they so choose. Facebook expects that half of its staff could work remotely in the next five to 10 years. Google has decided to allow employees to work from home till mid-2021. AI, cloud, collaboration tools, and cybersecurity will be the technologies supporting this transformation. The current health crisis has put into focus the benefits of moving data and applications to the cloud,
With WFH gaining wider acceptance, the slight payment disparity that existed for people who operated from home as contractors or freelancers earlier will also disappear hopefully.
The post Work from Home Jobs That Are Not Scams appeared first on The HR Digest.
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