The right time to make a career switch

If you have ever sat at your work desk and wondered what am I doing here, then it is definitely time to make a career switch. Many people have that epiphany in their lives but still decide to do nothing and carry on with the status quo at work.

One thing that the Pandemic has taught us is that nothing is permanent. mThe world can stop in its track, and people will still survive, and we are resilient. The three reasons should be enough to give you the little push to chuck the non-inspiring, passionless work that you are doing and make the switch to starting that eatery, or upskilling, starting your own bed and breakfast, the used furniture shop, or whatnot.

how to make a career switch jobs

Pandemic and the new reality

2021 is an opportune time to make drastic, fundamental job moves, according to Ambika Nigam, founder of a career-focused startup.

“We’re in this universal moment of pause and reflect. This has never happened in the world,” she says. “People are asking, ‘Is this what I wanna do in life?’”

People have realized that geography is no constraint to earning a living. One can stay anywhere and take up a highly skilled job or indulge a hobby and find work clients.

Employers have moved on from IQ to EQ to now AQ—the adaptability quotient.

After so many layoffs, hiring freezes, and setbacks, employers have realized that they cannot be rigid in their hiring process. They need people who can adapt to the new reality. Those who have been laid off and those who still have a job, both categories need to upskill or acquire newer skills.

A new role in 2021 might mean more than navigating a brand-new industry—it means new ways of working too. 

It means working remotely, away from the office space, and finding ways to communicate, be engaged and productive in this new environment.

Reasons for change

The Pandemic may act as a catalyst for many to make the switch that they had been postponing for long. 

What are the top 5 reasons for wanting a career change?

Joblist’s Midlife Career Crisis survey says most people are looking for a switch that pays better; almost 47 percent gave that as a reason.

Another 38% could not handle the job stresses. Nearly 37% said they were seeking a work-life balance. And 25% wanted to change jobs as they no longer felt passionate about what they were doing.

A very revealing note of this survey was that all reported a very high level of satisfaction with their switch. The scale of happiness from very to satisfactory was between 65 to 75 percent.

Plan your move

Very few people have the luxury of waking up one day and deciding, “I will no longer be doing this job, but rather that one”.

Assess your skills and interests. Review what kind of work excited you and brought you some engagement and satisfaction. Was it social work or volunteering? Were you happy organizing events for your office, family, and social organizations? Your baked items were always a hit? Did you like to travel for work?

These kinds of questions and answers to them will give you a fair idea of what you can pursue.

Do a swot analysis, brainstorm, gather information about the switch you want to make. See what job prospects in that field are, what courses you can attend.

A good idea would be to become an understudy or do a job shadow with someone who is doing what you want to transition to. This will give you a fair idea of the requirements, your competencies, and your genuine interest. You can even find what new skills you need to train for.

Tap your social and work network to find about the job prospects in your field of choice.

Have a transition plan ready once you make the decision to jump careers. How will you pay your bills? What kind of training or job certificate or skill sets are needed, and how long it will take to acquire them.

Can you work, train and take a course simultaneously?

We have heard time and again this phrase that “it is never too late”. Indeed, “one is never too old or late for change”.

The post The right time to make a career switch appeared first on The HR Digest.

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