Phone Interview Tips To Get You To The Next Round

If you think the phone screening round matters less, you’re wrong. You’ll still need to make a great first impression on the phone in order to get that job offer. To help you prepare for one of the most important junctures in your life, we’ve created a simple and straightforward phone interview guide for you to follow. This guide not only covers basic phone interview tips, but also contains a set of questions you’re most likely to be asked.

phone-interview-tips-job.Tip 1:

Once you know you’ve been selected for a preliminary phone interview, pull the job description and read it carefully. Look for skills and keywords in the description. Touch on these elements during the interview.

Tip 2

Use a good pair of headphone that would cut down background noise. This would help the interview hear you better.

Tip 3

You’re most likely to be asked “Why are you interested in working with us?” Research on the company, their products and their culture to prepare your answer for this question.

Tip 4

Prepare for your salary requirements by researching on platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed. Keep it simple when ask – “I’m looking to make between $50,000 and $70,000.”

Tip 5

Don’t make the mistake to talking too fast during the job interview. Most people make the mistake of talking to fast and not allowing the interviewer to make note of what’s being said.

Basic Interview Questions

During your interview, you are most likely to be asked necessary questions to help the interview know more about you, your experience, and how you are able to handle various situations. Some of the questions include the following:

  • What Skills or Experiences do you hope to Gain?
  • What’s the Best Team you’ve been a Part of, and what is your Ideal Team?
  • Tell us a Situation where you took Initiative or a Leadership Role
  • Tell us an Assignment or Project you were a Part of
  • What’s one Challenge you’ve faced, and how did you Overcome it?
  • Tell us a Time you had to learn something completely new
  • Can you tell us a Project or Accomplishment you’re Proud of, and Why?
  • Do you have any Questions for us?

The post Phone Interview Tips To Get You To The Next Round appeared first on The HR Digest.

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