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How to show appreciation to mentor?

Dear Jane,

Eight years ago, I landed an entry level job at a company in an industry that I had no knowledge of. The manager who hired me was a VP and took me under his perch quickly. Over the years, he taught me everything he knew. We have a great relationship and I have no problems sharing my opinions and insights with him. Since I was hired, I have been promoted thrice and have now reached an executive level.

I owe a lot of my success to him and the advice and guidance he has showered upon me. I’ll forever be indebted to this great man and am in awe of his leadership skills.

How can I show my gratitude for everything he’s done for me? Any advice?

how to thank mentor show appreciation

Answer: Pay it forward! Bosses have a boss too. If you know when his annual review is, you could send a message to the boss and just quickly add “I wanted to let you know that John has been a great mentor, and has really encouraged me to succeed and leaders a great team.”

Keep it short and sincere.

You may also pen a heartfelt note about how much you appreciate your boss and how committed you are to the organization. I don’t think you need a fancy gift, just a note thanking him for being a good boss and a great mentor is enough. It can be incredibly awkward for your boss to accept a gift, especially after you’ve just received a promotion.

“As I move into the next phase of my career I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to you. I learned a great deal from you about management practices which I am excited to implement in my new role. I believe my success at [name of the company] is least in part due to your support and mentorship. Thank you! “

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