It is always difficult to introduce yourself on the first day at work regardless of the company size. Whether it’s a company of five or fifty employees, feelings from the unfamiliar environment and people will always take some of your balance. Though this is always the case, knowing how to introduce yourself at a new job is important towards developing a cordial work relationship with your new colleagues and the level of professionalism you would be set to attain. Handling your first-day-at-work jitters properly is very important here.
However, your hiring manager may initiate the process. But what follows are in your hands to manage. Albeit, you need to find out if a meeting or email introducing you would be initiated by your supervisor or the human resources department. If yes, fine. Otherwise, it’s in your hands to establish the ways to introduce yourself as a new colleague.
Below are important tips for introducing yourself at a new job.
If your supervisor is the only one you know, don’t be afraid to ask for a round of introduction to know if he can lead the introduction to your new colleagues. Don’t sound like you are making a demand already but push it like an optional. You could say: “I’m still not very sure about those I’ll be working with. Do you think you have 10 minutes or so to introduce me to colleagues this morning?”
In a situation where your supervisor is not accessible for the introduction request, ask around and use your common sense to figure out those within your job circle and introduce yourself to them on your own if possible. Depending on your position, jobs may already start flowing in for you to get done; there it becomes easy to figure out those you’ll be collaborating with regularly. Your introduction should be simple: name and position only. You may also want to disclose your experience by mentioning your previous company and previous role.
Whether it’s a company of five or fifty employees, feelings from the unfamiliar environment and people will always take some of your balance.
To clearly understand the team you’ll be managing and those you’ll be reporting to, you’ll need to ask for the structure of your organization (this is mostly in a large company). Your contact in human resources will be the person you should approach to make this request.
While you focus to leave a good impression on the person you’ll be working with regularly, your social gesture should be open to everyone. This could be achieved with just a good smile and a “hello.” Be receptive to any feedback or questions they may want to ask or provide you with on your role. But don’t be offended if you are not introduced to everyone, accept any boundary you observed.
This may sound like you are following up a colleague, but you’re not the one doing so here, rather. It’s just a way to open doors for a follow-up on you instead. However, this email should be for the individuals you’ll be working closely with. Don’t make it lengthy or complicated. Simply thank them for the background information provided to you, welcome their ideas on anything that would help you succeed and state that you’re open for questions if there’s any.
The post How to Introduce Yourself on the First Day at Work appeared first on The HR Digest.
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