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How to inform manager about a new job offer

You are happily enclosed in your corner cubicle working at a great company with congenial colleagues and a comfortable paycheck. The growth prospects too are good. An ideal work scenario!

And this comfortable cruising along faces a sudden jolt when you are offered a dream job at an excellent salary. But there is a dilemma—it is at a rival company and you really do not want to upset your excellent manager who has always looked out for you in the company.

So how do you broach the subject without burning bridges.

You can either go the traditional way and put in your resignation letter with the required notice period. Your manager may get upset at no prior indication. If it is a professional set up then they will take it in their stride and send you on your way with no angst. But do not expect a counteroffer.


Or ask for a quick chat with your direct supervisor. Tell him or her that you’re planning to put in your notice by this day and briefly explain why. You needn’t go into details. 

If you have a good relationship with the boss, then thank him for being a great boss, offer to help during your notice period with any transition activities you can, and sincerely express your appreciation for all the mentoring and opportunities for growth he has given to you.

There might be slight chance that he will make a counter offer but you should be firm, if you have decided to move on. It may be flattering but a counter offer, if accepted may be counter productive in the long run.

You will always be seen as a flight risk and the complete trust element will see a slight dent.

After informing your manager announce your departure to your team mates.

See that during your notice period you do not slack off and maintain all the decorum and efficiency required for the job.

Basically, be a model employee. How you behave during your notice period is a clear indication of your character. This way when you have moved further ahead in your career you can confidently say that all of your previous employers will have nothing but wonderful feedback about you if contacted.

You’ll no doubt be asked by colleague and your supervisor and upper management, about the details of your new position. Decide beforehand what questions you’re comfortable with answering and which you’re not, and decide how to address them appropriately. 

Give the name of the company you are moving to and short take on what you will be doing there. Do not volunteer unnecessary information.

If it is a rival firm, still it should not be a problem as many employers make such a lateral move within the industry and there is always competition when you move within your specialization.

Openness about the move shows that everything is above board and upfront.

You do all this when you have had a good run at the company and have no grouses against the present employer. But if you have had a manger from hell and the company culture is not suitable, then you will be glad to leave.

That does not mean that you resign and forget about the niceties.

Give a proper notice and serve out that period without giving the management any opportunity to point fingers. Make a graceful exit, giving no chance to anyone to give a bad review to future employers.

The post How to inform manager about a new job offer appeared first on The HR Digest.

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