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How to Create a Culture of Wellness

Workplace-Wellness-Employee-HealthWellness is a trend nowadays, and many companies and organizations have accepted ways of introducing wellness into workplaces. Every year, many companies implement wellness services including onsite flu clinics, biometric screenings and online platforms into their workspaces. A culture of wellness is required to enable the employees to get healthy and create a positive impression on the employees’ wellness and livelihood. A culture of wellness also will make health a primary part of the mission of the company.

What is the Culture of Wellness?

A culture of wellness means creating a workplace that encourages and promotes the well-being of the employees and workers. It means introducing ways for the employees to be healthier at the workplace and helping them create healthy habits both in their personal as well as professional lives.

By creating a good culture of wellness, the company is ensuring that every component of the office environment contributes to the development and reinforcement of a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of a Culture of Wellness

Employee Happiness

Culture of wellness means happier employees at a healthy workplace. Putting in efforts for wellness will help employees feel more valued as well as motivate them to make healthy choices.

Feeling Valued

A culture of wellness helps employees feel valued and appreciated as it shows that the company supports them both professionally and personally. It also shows that a company is making efforts to introduce a healthy lifestyle for the employees.

Physical Activity

A culture of wellness makes employees more engaging and active. Being more active will lead to employee happiness. Employees who are more active at work are less prone to depression than their counterparts.

Holistic Wellness

Organizations implementing healthier foods, educational resources and socializing opportunities as a part of the culture of wellness not only promotes a fit physique but also improves their mental health.

Employee Productivity

Productivity in work flourishes with a culture of wellness. A wellness environment that improves both a healthy body and a healthy mindset contributes to an efficient and enhanced productivity workplace.

Happier Employees

Happier employees are produced from a culture of wellness. This will simultaneously lead to increased productivity at work. The increased efforts of happy workers can witness the link between happiness and productivity at work.

Less Stress

Wellness leads to less stress in employees. A workplace has many workloads, deadlines and targets, which leads to tension in employees. Overly stressed employees are a costly loss for organizations because it leads to a significant loss of productivity. Haphazard company culture means overtime work hours, high work pressure and nil opportunities for employee health which will adversely affect the employees. On the other hand, an organization that promotes a culture that doesn’t pressure its employees and provides wellness opportunities for them has more efficient and productive workers.

How to create a Culture of Wellness


A company should promote the movement of its employees during the day. Be it through walking meetings or offer standing desks, employees should be encouraged to get up from their desks and communicate with each other in person instead of calling or emailing.

Healthy Choices

To do this, an organization should include fresh fruit and veggies with company meals. Also, there should be healthy snacks available in the kitchen and employees should be given access to break rooms. Also, have water available at the workplace at all times.

Healthy Habits

Offer incentives to help employees take up healthy habits. Reward them when they have fulfilled the wellness activities to encourage them more.

Social Engagement

An organization must host company outings at regular intervals to encourage and motivate employees. Social wellness is also a crucial part of productivity as physical wellness is. Look for opportunities to create a better social network among the employees.


Offer flexible working hours and opportunities for working from home if and when required. This will encourage a healthy work/life balance for the employees.

Lessen Stress

Bearable workplace stress is normal, but having over-stressed employees is not at all normal! If an organization witnesses high levels of stress among the employees, it is essential to pinpoint certain stressors and implement changes to eliminate them.

A culture of wellness strategy of an organization will not yield significant results but also create happier and healthier employees.


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