Many companies have adopted cloud-based collaboration software like Slack and Trello to increase communication and organize tasks among co-workers–but do they work too well? Popular chat […]
Collaboration platforms are software that employees can use to manage projects, proof and comment on shared files, brainstorm, take polls, chat with remote co-workers and send […]
The Trump administration issued proposed regulations that would let employers fund a new kind of health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) that employees could use to buy individual-market […]
A paid-sick-leave ordinance in Austin, Texas, should be blocked because it violates the state’s minimum wage law, the state attorney general’s office and lawyers who represent […]
Business leaders are making a conscious effort to increase diversity. That’s a good thing. But sometimes well-intended efforts can lead to unexpected problems, particularly if you […]
Word choice matters: When you investigate, you act like a judge and find fault. When you assess, you seek to intervene and implementing solutions. Source: New […]
The government of Ontario has announced that it will seek to pass the Making Ontario Open for Business Act, legislation designed to roll back many of […]