Labor market watchers expected a slowdown of the spectacular jobs growth of recent months, but not the crashing halt the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) delivered […]
“Better Balance, Better World” (#BalanceforBetter) is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated today as a call to recognize women’s achievements, provide greater […]
Talent acquisition experts preach that true hiring success comes not from reactive recruiting practices like scanning resumes and applications, but from proactively finding and engaging potential […]
The Department of Labor has proposed a $35,308 salary threshold for the white-collar exemptions from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act. But some employers […]
Manufacturers in Canada face a labor and employment environment that is much more employee- and union-friendly than the United States. Here are just a few of […]
The Department of Labor has proposed an increase in the salary-level threshold for white-collar exemptions to $35,308 per year from $23,660. Source: New feed 2
Mexico is on the verge of replacing so-called white unions, which are notoriously pro-employer and whose existence within most companies often isn’t common knowledge among employees, […]