The California Supreme Court recently announced it will review and decide whether its 2018 Dynamex decision has retroactive effect. The answer to this question could have […]
The nation’s most stringent independent-contractor misclassification law will soon take effect in California. But if a group of truck drivers have their way, the law will […]
Certain private employers and federal contractors were required to send EEO‑1 Component 2 pay data—broken down by job category, race, sex and ethnicity—to the federal government […]
Employers turn to benefit brokers for help in selecting health and other insurance coverage that’s affordable and meets employees’ needs. It’s critical, however, to ask the […]
Federal agencies proposed a rule that would require employer-sponsored health plans to provide enrollees with estimates of their out-of-pocket expenses for services from different health care […]
A California law that takes effect Jan. 1 limits publications from accepting more than 35 pieces a year from each freelance writer, photographer and newspaper cartoonist. […]