Many companies send employees surveys asking how they feel about their work, their boss and their company. They are asked to be candid and assured that […]
What is an HR professional to do when a company’s vice president wants to fire her assistant but has never documented any performance problems. There are […]
Congress is poised to extend through the end of 2020 the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), which provides employers with an incentive to hire disadvantaged employees. […]
The U.S. Senate passed a paid parental leave provision Dec. 17 for qualifying federal employees. The House of Representatives also has approved the measure, and it […]
What habits do your co-workers have that drive you around the bend? These are their top 10 cringe-worthy habits, according to a recent survey by London-based […]
A transgender woman assigned to a government contract could not pursue a harassment claim based on co-workers’ misuse of pronouns and other slights she allegedly endured […]
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals regarded the temporary banning of a superintendent from a county’s administration building as “constitutionally reasonable” since the county’s decision […]
Vox Media recently announced that it will stop using hundreds of freelance journalists so that it doesn’t run afoul of California’s stringent new independent-contractor law. Source: […]