“Dual-marked” ballots—those with markings in more than one box—should be treated as void in union-representation elections, according to a recent decision by the National Labor Relations […]
How can jobseekers explain layoffs due to the coronavirus pandemic? And can workers who live with a chronically ill family member take protected leave to avoid […]
Some organizations are establishing procedures for daily temperature screening as part of ensuring the health of all employees during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been challenging. There […]
Many companies are considering offering their employees antibody (Ab) testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. While businesses want employees to be confident about returning […]
While Congress deliberates the next round of coronavirus relief legislation, some states have moved forward with laws that shield certain businesses from coronavirus-related liability. Source: New […]
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill to modify certain provisions employers must follow to be eligible for loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program. […]
Tax-advantaged supplemental unemployment benefit (SUB) plans let employers augment unemployment insurance for laid-off employees. That boost can help employers maintain goodwill with employees until workers are […]