Even though a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 isn’t available yet, it’s not too early for employers to start considering whether they will require employees to get […]
As the spread of COVID-19 and lockdowns in India continue for longer than expected, many companies are switching gears to assist their remote-working employees for the […]
Federal agencies can no longer include “critical race theory” and discussions of “white privilege” in their workplace race-sensitivity training, according to a White House announcement. Source: […]
Uncovering unconscious biases and gathering data to prove the need for action are key to making changes in the workplace, members of the new SHRM Blue […]
U.S. workers tested positive for drug use in 2019 at the highest rate since 2003, according to annual drug-testing results compiled by Quest Diagnostics, a laboratory […]
A female corrections officer who exaggerated the misconduct of a prison inmate, falsely claiming that he hit her with a small box that he threw out […]
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employee could pursue a claim under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 […]
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) plans to revise its rules for workers who need to take coronavirus-related paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response […]
Both presidential candidates support paid-leave proposals—which would be a first of their kind in federal legislation—though the paths each would take to create paid leave veer […]