Fire department battalion chiefs are managers, not front-line firefighters, and are not excepted as first responders from overtime pay, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals […]
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently sent a proposed rule to the White House that would clarify whether workers are independent contractors or employees. The […]
An ordinance in Long Beach, Calif.—which requires grocery stores to pay workers $4 more than their hourly wage for a period of at least 120 days—can […]
From payroll to recruiting to learning and development, the number of technologies built to help run organizations has mushroomed, making it more challenging for HR buyers […]
Managers and business consultants are reporting an uptick in labor organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic, a byproduct of increased workplace frustrations and a political climate that […]
Now that some children have returned to in-person classes after nearly a year of COVID-19 sequestering, working parents have to pivot once again—juggling job duties with […]
There may be a strong link between running a household and running a department within a company. A new study from the University of Georgia concludes […]
A canvassing of employers and managers who have hired friends and relatives reveals plenty of ups and downs from the experience. Here are the experiences that […]