This interactive chart maps the various state and local paid-sick-leave laws currently enacted, upcoming or on hold due to legal challenges. Source: New feed 2
Placing an employee on an administrative leave should be done sparingly but may be appropriate during an investigation or if an employee poses a direct threat […]
A customer’s rejected advances, love letters and conversations with co-workers about the plaintiff could meet the severe and pervasive requirement for sexual harassment under Title VII […]
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals revived a United Airlines pilot’s claims that he should receive profit-sharing-plan credit and pay for military-training leave. Source: New […]
While California has announced tentative plans to lift COVID-19 restrictions by June 15, the difficulties for employers are not over. Here’s what employers need to know. […]
Although employers may be focused on COVID-19-related leave obligations during the coronavirus crisis, they should note that some states and cities have paid-sick-leave laws that extend […]
As the coronavirus pandemic persists, employers should look for updates to COVID-19-related paid-sick-leave mandates at the state and local level. Source: New feed 2