Successful internship programs can be the pipeline for future leadership development talent as well as for entry-level applicants. Here are a few tips for making such […]
When you see the SHRM Recertification Provider seal, you know these programs have been preapproved for professional development credits. Here are the latest companies to be […]
Resilient teams absorb stress, recover critical functionality and thrive in new circumstances. Senior leaders can build resilient teams on the three building blocks of resilience: stability, […]
The German Conference of the Federal and State Data Protection Authorities has published a call for an Employee Data Protection Act. Source: New feed 2
There are no transfer regulations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE); therefore, employees do not automatically transfer to a buyer on an asset sale. Source: New […]
As rumors of a recession fly and some companies pause hiring or consider layoffs, remote employees might lean more toward coming in to the office to […]
The concept of “local legal employer” or “employer of record,” which enables companies to access talent in other countries, has burst onto the scene in Spain […]
The Fair Labor Standards Act did not require a public agency to pay wages to a participant in its training program for autopsy forensic photography because […]