Michael Bach, a best-selling author, spoke about the need to create inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ+ employees and the business impacts of failing to do so at […]
An employee’s sexual harassment claims based on forged text messages were dismissed, and the plaintiff was properly sanctioned over false testimony, the 2nd U.S. Circuit… Source: […]
Emphasizing that the proper test for whether oil rig employees should be paid for time spent changing in and out of protective clothing is whether changing […]
Inclusion, equity and diversity are on “an evolutionary track,” SHRM President and Chief Executive Officer Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, said Oct. 30 during the opening […]
Illinois has enacted two amendments to its Labor Disputes Act. The first one, HB 2907, limits the amount of monetary damages an employer can recover stemming […]
Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, California employers may have to pay overtime to more computer software employees who earn less than $115,763.35 per year, or $55.58 per […]
Compensation for U.S. workers rose again in the third quarter of the year and at a faster pace than expected, indicating employers continue to remain competitive […]
Forget howling monsters or vampire attacks. More than half of U.S. job seekers are most spooked about being ghosted, according to a new survey. Source: New […]
Woodrie Burich, a CEO, author and TEDx speaker, offered some simple ways HR professionals can help reduce employee stress and create a more meaningful, inclusive and… […]