Just as e-mail revolutionized the way workers communicated decades ago, new technologies are changing the way employees converse and employers need to keep up. Source: New […]
The Society for Human Resource Management is supporting the Commonsense Reporting Act recently introduced in the House and Senate. The bipartisan legislation would ease the Affordable […]
Information from background checks can help employers avoid legal claims, such as those for negligent hiring. Gathering and using this information, however, carries legal risk if […]
While tools like Skype, WebEx, apps and other technology have improved telework in the last 15 years, colleagues still need human interaction to be successful, said […]
Destructive wildfires in Northern California have made it difficult or impossible for some employees to get to work or for worksites to remain open—which could cause […]
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964—which prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin and religion—has […]
The Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury has granted temporary income tax exemptions for payments and certain benefits provided by employers to their employees for relief […]
President Donald Trump’s choice to become the new director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) ran into a potential snag early in his confirmation hearing, […]
An HR director’s Facebook post asking for help finding jobs for workers displaced by the fire destruction of a Hilton hotel gets an overwhelming response. Source: […]