Two body shop employees who claimed they were not paid the minimum wage required by California law failed to prove their case, the California Court of […]
Israel’s National Labour Court recently ruled that an employer could not require its employees to record their attendance by biometric fingerprinting. Source: New feed 2
The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in Indonesian or OJK) has issued Regulation No. 37/POJK.03/2017 (OJK Reg. 37), which sets out new rules on […]
It may seem counterintuitive in this digital age, but even Millennials and Generation Z job seekers are yearning for more person-to-person than person-to-device connections. Personal, face-to-face […]
Augmented reality, microlearning, adaptive learning and massive open online courses (MOOCs): Digital learning plays a big role workplace learning. Source: New feed 2
A bipartisan group of Colorado legislators proposed legislation that, if enacted, would significantly change the requirements for how Colorado entities protect, transfer, secure and dispose of […]
Amazon has opened the first of what may become a string of grocery stores that don’t have cashiers or self-checkout machines, which leaves labor groups and […]