The Society for Human Resource Management and other leading employer organizations have launched the Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage, an advocacy alliance to strengthen and protect employment-based […]
A measure to prohibit employers from requiring wait staff to share their tips with back-of-the-restaurant workers, such as cooks and dishwashers, was approved by Congress in […]
As companies revisit their policies addressing sexual harassment, leaders would be wise to fine-tune their organization’s complaint process. Source: New feed 2
Can I earn credit for presenting a session or teaching a course? If so, how are professional development credits (PDCs) awarded and what are some examples […]
Our new, bold purpose is nothing less than to change the world of work. And two simple words have become our rallying call: Together Forward. Source: […]
Achieving the best hiring results depends on a candidate-focused process, accountable hiring managers and recruiters that function more like a sales team. That’s what SmartRecruiters founder […]
An employer that fires workers shortly before they vest in a pension, retiree health or other benefit should be able to document that the action wasn’t […]