In a groundbreaking decision, the California Supreme Court adopted a new legal standard that will make it much more difficult for businesses to classify workers as […]
In today’s highly competitive talent market, companies that have opted not to recruit former employees might want to reconsider. More employers appear to be open to […]
As Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducts more and more I-9 inspections, employers need to know how ICE calculates fines. Source: New feed 2
The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) should be amended by the Employee Rights Act to ensure secret-ballot elections and require recertification elections, workers testified before Congress. […]
Recreational marijuana sales in California started in January, causing many employers in the state to re-evaluate their substance-abuse and drug-testing policies. But the rules governing marijuana […]
Andrew R. Lerner, senior counsel to Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP, a boutique law firm in New York City specializing in employment, labor and immigration law, […]
You’ve got the experience. Why aren’t you getting the job? Best-selling author Martin Yate, a career coach and former HR professional, takes your questions each week […]
Employers can strengthen workplace culture and overall wellness by activating middle managers to become models of well-being for their team members. Source: New feed 2