The SHRM Recertification Requirements Handbook is now an online-only publication. Updates will continue to be added to the digital text as soon as they go into […]
Have questions about recertifying your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP? Work projects, courses and presentations can all count for recertification. The SHRM Certification team answers some of the […]
Employee turnover triggered by poor workplace culture drained nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars from businesses over the last five years as workers fled managers […]
Lower-income workers—defined as earning a household income of $60,000 a year or less—are changing jobs more frequently. Twelve percent of lower-wage workers moved to new jobs […]
New Maryland laws governing the workplace will amend the law on harassment claims, provide additional protections for employees serving as organ or bone marrow donors, promote […]
The U.S. Department of Labor has finalized a $35,568 salary threshold for the white-collar exemptions from overtime pay under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. The […]
A Texas federal district court was not authorized to hold a plaintiff in contempt for filing a lawsuit claiming violations of a barred U.S. Department of […]
Making hardship withdrawals from 401(k) plans soon will be easier for plan participants, and so will starting to save again afterwards, under a new IRS final […]
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ reversal of an employer’s summary judgment win in an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) case illustrates the importance of […]