Companies can combat human trafficking–the act of compelling a person to engage in sexual acts or forced labor–by creating an environment hostile to human traffickers. That […]
A warehouse worker who was fired shortly after telling his employer of a lifting restriction can keep a $550,000 jury award for punitive damages, a California […]
Regional German labor courts have considered whether employees are entitled to half days’ leave and come to different conclusions. This article examines the issue and gives […]
As India’s economic growth slows, some companies are trimming staff to cut costs. Here are six steps, suggested by HR professionals with experience handling layoffs, to […]
Google must ensure that its workers can speak up on political and workplace issues, according to the National Labor Relations Board. Source: New feed 2
HR Jobs Handles grievances at the plant level, reporting cases which remain unsolved and continue bothersome to the HR & Operations Manager.From Colas – Wed, 11 […]
The National Labor Relations Board eased the standard for determining whether employers in a unionized workplace can make certain changes to workers’ terms and conditions of […]
Although an employee is entitled to take paid family and medical leave under a collective bargaining agreement, the employer still must designate unpaid Family and Medical […]