November 25, 2019

Virtual Coaches Give Managers Leadership Advice at Scale

Chicka Elloy wanted to give midlevel managers in his company access to the same kind of valuable coaching advice often provided to executives. He opted for […]
November 25, 2019

DOL Official Questioned About Misused Apprenticeship Funds

The Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) top job-training official told a Congressional committee that at least $1.1 million was “misapplied” from congressionally appropriated apprenticeship funding. He said […]
November 25, 2019

H-2B Visa Job Ad Changes Finalized

Employers seeking to hire foreign guest workers under the H-2B visa program will no longer be required to post advertisements for those seasonal jobs in print […]
November 25, 2019

What Makes a Manager?

As an HR manager at a small company, your role is to manage a comprehensive sequence of functions that enable the company to operate efficiently. A […]
November 25, 2019

Workplace Injury and Illness Rates Remained Mostly Unchanged in 2018

Each year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates national injury and illnesses rates for certain industries based on the prior year’s data. The overall injury and […]
November 25, 2019

Court Blocks San Antonio’s Paid-Sick-Leave Law

Mere days before San Antonio’s sick and safe leave ordinance was set to go into effect, the law was once again put on hold. The law […]
November 25, 2019

California Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Dynamex Retroactivity Question

The California Supreme Court recently announced it will review and decide whether its 2018 Dynamex decision has retroactive effect. The answer to this question could have […]
November 25, 2019

Truckers Seek to Toss California’s New Gig Economy Law

The nation’s most stringent independent-contractor misclassification law will soon take effect in California. But if a group of truck drivers have their way, the law will […]
November 25, 2019

3 Things Employers Should Consider Before Cyber Monday

Many employees plan to shop online while at work during the holiday season. This means employers should have a plan to navigate the next few weeks […]
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