December 17, 2019

Federal Appeals Court Lowers Bar to Advance Pay Equity Claims

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that workers don’t need to clear a heightened legal standard in order to pursue pay equity claims, setting the […]
December 17, 2019

Compensation Plan Template Samples For Workers

A compensation plan template is used by the organizations to reveal the salaries, perks, benefits, bonuses and other associated settlement that will be offered to the […]
December 17, 2019

The Importance of Human Resource Policies and Procedures

Human Resource Policies and Procedures are an integral part of present-day organizations. Their importance is realized while dealing with the human resource in the organization so […]
December 16, 2019

Year-End Spending Bill Includes the SECURE Act, Repeals Cadillac Tax

The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate were set to vote on a year-end spending bill that would repeal the Cadillac tax on high-cost health plans. […]
December 16, 2019

Commercial Drivers’ Drug and Alcohol Violation Database Now Online

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) clearinghouse of commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders’ drug and alcohol violations is now open. Employers must register to access the […]
December 16, 2019

Are You Ready for the New Federal Overtime Rule?

The deadline for employers to comply with the new federal overtime rule is approaching rapidly. Before key workers leave for the holidays, businesses should ensure they […]
December 16, 2019

Disneyland Workers Sue for Living Wage

Disneyland is facing a lawsuit that it failed to pay its workers a living wage of $15 an hour. Source: New feed 2
December 16, 2019

Noncompete Agreements Have Become More Common

Somewhere between one-quarter and nearly one-half of private-sector workers are subject to noncompete agreements, employment provisions that ban workers from going to work for—or starting—a competing […]
December 16, 2019

Short & Professional Job Offer Letter Templates

The interviews are over and you have zeroed in on the right candidate, now the last task in the process is the job offer letter. Mostly, […]
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