December 19, 2019

Workplace Suicides, Opioid Overdoses Increase

The fallout of the opioid epidemic continues to be felt at work, and the number of workplace suicides is increasing at an alarming rate. But steps […]
December 19, 2019

EEOC Abandons Policy Against Mandatory Arbitration for Employment Disputes

In light of Supreme Court decisions favoring arbitration, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is scrapping its longstanding policy against the use of mandatory, pre-dispute […]
December 19, 2019

5th Circuit Says ACA Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional

​A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled Dec. 18 that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) individual coverage mandate, effectively repealed […]
December 18, 2019

How Anonymous Is That Employee Satisfaction Survey?

​Many companies send employees surveys asking how they feel about their work, their boss and their company. They are asked to be candid and assured that […]
December 18, 2019

Firing Without Progressive Discipline

What is an HR professional to do when a company’s vice president wants to fire her assistant but has never documented any performance problems. There are […]
December 18, 2019

Companies Scout for Talent from Small-Town India

India’s got talent in hundreds of its smaller towns and cities, and companies are using novel ways to uncover it. Source: New feed 2
December 18, 2019

One-Year Extension of Work Opportunity Tax Credit Is Only a Start

Congress is poised to extend through the end of 2020 the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), which provides employers with an incentive to hire disadvantaged employees. […]
December 18, 2019

The Right Answer To “Why Should We Hire You?”

Most of us have been asked the same question in our interviews which we may find repetitive and can’t relate what is asked. One of the […]
December 17, 2019

Congress Passes Paid Parental Leave for Federal Workers

The U.S. Senate passed a paid parental leave provision Dec. 17 for qualifying federal employees. The House of Representatives also has approved the measure, and it […]
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