April 7, 2020

Predictive-Scheduling Rules Are Unpredictable Due to Coronavirus

The deadly coronavirus crisis has upended employment and many employment laws, including rules that govern predictive scheduling. Here’s what employers need to know. Source: New feed […]
April 7, 2020

Lawmakers Discuss Next Coronavirus Relief Bill as Demand Rises

Congress is working out the details for the next coronavirus relief bill as banks struggle to meet the demand for payroll-protection loans and a record number […]
April 7, 2020

Former Employee Wasn’t ‘Retired’ Under Company Policy

A recent decision of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals highlights the importance of using clear, defined terms in benefits and compensation plans. Source: New […]
April 7, 2020

Email Etiquette at the Workplace

The advent of the email as the official way to communicate in the 90s changed the way the world exchanged work-related correspondence. Emails have taken over […]
April 7, 2020

Hospitals Face Staffing Shortages, Reduced Budgets in Coronavirus Pandemic

​Along with scarcities of masks, beds and ventilators, U.S. hospitals also worry about having enough specialized nurses, doctors and other medical staff as they confront the […]
April 6, 2020

Virtual Happy Hours Help Co-Workers, Industry Peers Stay Connected

The COVID-19 outbreak is reshaping all aspects of work, including the time-honored tradition of the afterwork happy hour. Employees working remotely—and sometimes their employers and professional […]
April 6, 2020

Justices Side with Federal Employee in Age-Bias Case but Limit Remedies

A federal employee claiming age discrimination has to show only that age was a factor—rather than the key reason—that the employer made an adverse employment decision, […]
April 6, 2020

Pandemic Takes a Toll on Employees’ Emotional Well-Being

With the COVID-19 crisis, the emotional challenges employees are confronting have spiked. Anyone could experience crippling levels of stress and anxiety now, so it’s important for […]
April 6, 2020

Employers’ Health Care Costs Expected to Rise Due to Coronavirus

Self-funded health plans could see their claims costs jump 7 percent this year as a result of the pandemic. Both self-funded and fully insured employer plans […]
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