September 27, 2023

Viewpoint: How a Person's Name Can Prompt Hiring Discrimination

Following up on a similar experiment from 2004, two economists have found that study participants systematically discriminated against job candidates with names they associated with Black […]
September 27, 2023

California Bill Targets Workplace Violence

The California Legislature recently passed a bill that would require employers to adopt workplace violence prevention plans, maintain records of any threats or incidents of workplace […]
September 26, 2023

How HR Teams Can Prepare for the Student Loan Payment Restart

Employers can help fill in some of the gaps for workers who are navigating a changed landscape for student debt. Source: New feed 2
September 26, 2023

Half of Job Ads Now Contain Salary Information

Global jobs board Indeed has reported that 50 percent of the U.S.-based job listings on the site now include some employer-provided salary information, the highest share… […]
September 26, 2023

Viewpoint: External Bias and Its Impact on the Advancement of Women

On the path to leadership, women face challenges that men rarely have to consider, writes Jennifer McCollum, chief executive officer of Linkage, a SHRM company. McCollum […]
September 26, 2023

The Star Profile and DE&I

Creating star profiles–short, succinct descriptions of the behaviors or actions needed for success in a given position–is aneffective way to align human behavior with organizational objectives […]
September 26, 2023

What the German Whistleblower Protection Act Means for Employers

The European Union’s Whistleblower Directive inspired the Whistleblower Protection Act in Germany, but the policies differ in important ways. Source: New feed 2
September 26, 2023

SHRM Partners in Launch of Interactive LER Ecosystem Map

​SHRM, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and other leading stakeholders, has launched an interactive learning and employment records (LERs) map that can […]
September 26, 2023

New California Background Check Requirements Take Effect Oct. 1

California employers will need to make changes to their background check and criminal history review process thanks to new Fair Chance Act (FCA) regulations taking effect […]
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