States reported that 1.3 million U.S. workers filed for new unemployment benefits during the week ending July 4. First-time claims have fallen for 14 straight weeks […]
Don’t panic when the HR department is understaffed, whether due to summer vacations, unfilled positions or team members working fewer hours as they wrestle with child […]
It’s better for people of different races to talk about their different experiences than to avoid difficult discussions, says columnist Jathan Janove. By sharing our stories […]
The killing of George Floyd in June has sparked social unrest around the country, and many employees are expecting organizations to speak up—and to speak out—against […]
Managers may find themselves dealing with resentment between employees who are allowed to continue working remotely and those who are being told they can’t any longer. […]
Collaboration between facilities managers and HR wellness leaders can be vital to ensuring workplaces are safe as employees return to work. Source: New feed 2