October 23, 2020

High-Value Care, Workplace Flexibility Aid Employees with Cancer

Leading-edge employers are supporting employees with cancer by partnering with cancer centers that provide care-navigation services and putting in place workplace accommodations to help patients return […]
October 23, 2020

VCs See Gold Rush in the HR Tech Scene

Once upon a time, HR tech scene was as dull and vapid as getting ghosted by a recruiter in a slow job market. A handful of […]
October 23, 2020

Viewpoint: Employers Need to Reinvent Retirement-Savings Match

Tough times are an opportunity not to abandon the 401(k) match but to reinvent it. For companies struggling to pay their match, there are ways to […]
October 23, 2020

Ask HR: How Do I Look for a New Job Without Telling My Boss?

Should job-seekers fear potential new employers will call their current bosses? How can new managers create strong relationships as they lead former peers? Johnny C. Taylor, […]
October 23, 2020

How to Create a Return-to-Office Strategy

As the country has settled into pandemic life, many companies are bringing employees back to the office, but the process is a slow one. Employees have […]
October 22, 2020

How Do You Turn Inclusion Research into Action?

Two members of the Society for Human Resource Management’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Racial Equityhared their thoughts on how to apply recent SHRM research on racism […]
October 22, 2020

British Columbia Changes Workers’ Compensation

The government in British Columbia, Canada, has passed a law to improve the province’s workers’ compensation system, as well as to make several modifications in direct […]
October 22, 2020

It’s Time to Revisit How Talent Is Valued

A resetting of strategy and metrics that values talent as an asset rather than an expense is critical for companies under pressure to operate more efficiently, […]
October 22, 2020

Workers’ Mental Health Suffers During the Pandemic: How Managers Can Help

A rash of surveys have painted a bleak picture of workers’ mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic. And in many of those surveys, a managerial trend […]
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